Smarty Pins – Google Map Game

A fun online game that will help your students learn geography, history, and search skills. (This game works on a computer or a mobile device!)

Smarty Pins Game!

  1. Go to:
  2. Click the “Start a game now” button
    Optional – Click “Select a category” to filter the type of questions.


  3. When the game loads, you’ll see the question on the left.
  4. Grab the pin and drag it to the correct location on the map.
  5. Click the “Submit Answer” button.
    Note 1 – If you submit the answer within 15 seconds, you get a bonus!
    Note 2 – After 15 seconds, a hint will appear under the question.

  6. You start the game with 1000 miles. If you get the answer right, you keep all of your miles; If you “miss”,  the miles are subtracted from your total. (See the “Miles Remaining” guage under the question.
  7. Keep answering questions until you win – or until you use all of your miles.

Classroom Variations:

  • Play as a whole class using a projector and screen or interactive whiteboard. Students (individuals or teams) can take turns coming up to the front to answer the questions.
  • Use the game as a Google research exercise. When the question appears, students quickly “Google” for the answer.
    Note – They might want to use Google Maps to figure out where to put the pin.
  • Have the students work in pairs. Each student should have a computer or mobile device. The students work together – using one computer to play the game, and the other one to do the research.

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