Here’s an almost free gift that is easy for students to create for their parents — a coupon booklet.
Note – The instructions are provided below for PowerPoint, but they can easily be adapted for Keynote or Google Presentation.
Here’s how:
1. Open a new PowerPoint document.
2. Choose the Blank Slide layout.
3. Use a text box or word art to design the cover of your booklet.
4. Pull down the Insert menu to New Slide.
5. Add text and images to create a coupon.
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 for each slide.
1. Pull down the File menu to Print.
2. Choose to print Handouts at 6 per page.
3. Print
4. Cut around the slides, adding 1/2 inch to the left side of each.
5. Staple the coupons together to create a booklet.
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