Flippity – Online Flashcards from a Google Spreadsheet!


This awesome tool allows you to quickly and easily create online flashcards from information in a Google spreadsheet.


  1. Go to Flippity.net
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions and prompts to:
    a. Make a copy of the provided Google Spreadsheet.
    b. Enter your questions and answers.

    c. Publish the spreadsheet and copy the URL


    d. Return to flippity.net
    e. Paste the URL you copied in step 3.
    f. Click the “Go” button.

  3. Use the icon in the lower right corner to flip and advance the flash cards

  4. Click the “Share” button to get the URL and/or a QR code for your published flippity cards.

Classroom ideas:

  • Could be used for any content area!
  • If the “questions” are links to online images, the images will show on the flash cards!
  • Students could submit questions and answers via a Google form and they could be compiled into a classroom set of flashcards.

Please add your own ideas in the comments area below.




  1. Janie Peterson says:

    I have used this to make title/author cards for our Read TO Succeed competition. Twenty books are read and teams compete to see who knows the most about each book. THIS is a great way to quickly quiz them to associate authors to titles! THANKS Tammy!!!!

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