

Remember a few years ago when I featured the TinyURL tool? Well, if you liked it, you’ll LOVE fur.ly. The fur.ly website allows you to shorten multiple URLs and provides an interface to move easily between them.

This is a fabulous tool for teachers who want to create a quick website “tour” that students can easily access.


Here’s how it works. (In this example, I’ll create a “tour” of games from ABCya for young children.)

  1. Go to: http://fur.ly/
  2. Enter (or copy and paste) your first URL. Notice that furl.ly will give you a new field each time you add a URL.
  3. Continue to enter the desired URLs.

  4. Click the “Go” button.
  5. Provide the shortened URL to your students.
  6. When students go to the provided URL, they will see your first website with an added navigation bar at the top:

  7. Students can click the forward and back buttons to move between the websites, or they can use the pull down menu to choose the desired site. (See image above.)



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