
Dear Viewers,

As you can see, my website has been updated and redesigned! Yay! Hopefully you’ll find the site easy to navigate and full of fantastic ideas for technology integration. Just click the links at the top of the page to go to various sections.

I’ve sifted through the content from my old site and have brought over everything that is still current and valid. Some things, of course, were outdated and were left behind. If you still want something from my old site you can click here. The archived site will be available through the end of 2014.

You’ll notice a new section called Google Stuff. I have created dozens of time-saving templates for teachers and students and am offering them free in this area. I also have included some great Google instructions, tips, and student activities. I will continue to add more, so be sure to check back often. Also – if you have a need/idea for a template and want me to build it for you, just let me know.

The Student Activities section, includes computer and mobile device activities for kids of all ages. The Tech Tips area will include tools and resources that you can quickly incorporate into your classroom.  You’ll also find a Resources section with my favorite iOS apps and websites.

If you attend any of my trainings in your school or at a conference, look for my session resources in the Handouts area. Even if you can’t attend my trainings, feel free to browse the handouts section.

And – speaking of training – be sure to contact me if you are interested in having me provide staff development in your school. I have lots of great ideas to share that can excite your teachers and engage your learners.

Thank you for taking the time to check out my new site!


Tammy Worcester Tang