*Game Leaderboards


These easy-to-use templates allow you to track leaders for the day, the week, and all-time leaders for various competitions with a Google spreadsheet/form.

 Important Note:
The teacher will need a Google account to use the templates. Students will NOT need Google accounts.

The teacher will use a template to open a pre-formatted leaderboard spreadsheet. Students will use the provided form to submit their times/scores. The spreadsheet will collect the student student data and will show the all-time leaders, the leaders for the week, and the leaders for the day.

Teacher Instructions:

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Google account.
  2. Click one of the links below to make a copy of the template.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.

Leaderboard Templates:

Click a title below to use a template:

Low Time (The goal of the game/competition is to get a low time.)

Low Score (The goal of the game/competition is to get a low score.)

High Score (The goal of the game/competition is to get a high score.)

Uses for Leaderboards:

Leaderboards can be used to track the following for individuals, teams, or entire classes:

  • Scores/times for online games
  • Scores/times for classroom games
  • Spelling (or other) test scores
  • Sit-ups per minute, time to run a mile, long jump distance, etc. for PE class
  • Time to complete multiplication facts
  • Number of pages read per day
  • WPM in keyboarding class
  • Time to complete a puzzle
  • Points/scores for behavior plan
  • Teachers using pedometers could track the number of steps walked per day.
  • Teachers in a weight-loss competition could track the pounds lost per day or per week.


  1. Jessica Runtz says:

    Do you have any templates or ideas for how to create an ongoing scoreboard? We are starting a “tribes” schoolwide competition between our students that has them earn/lose points together as a tribe. (Think like — Harry Potter and the way they earn/lose points for their house) We’re wanting to create something that is easy for all of the teachers to select the tribe and just plug in +/- points.

    • Hi Jessica,

      I’ve used Class Dojo for score-keeping in this way. Just set up a class for your competition and then create a “monster” for each tribe. Then set one positive behavior and one negative behavior. When you select the tribe and choose the positive behavior, it adds a point. If you choose a negative behavior, it subtracts a point.

      I hope this makes sense and is helpful!

      – Tammy

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