Topics and Descriptions

Keynote Presentations:
45 to 90 minute keynote speech

21st Century Teaching & Learning – It’s About TIME!
“Time” is the central theme of this inspirational, humorous, and informational presentation. Tammy will share examples of the impact of time on human behavior and will provide some practical ways to use time wisely and even save time by using technology effectively and efficiently.

Beyond Copy and Paste – Building Integrated Technology Projects
How can we stop students from simply copying information from the Internet, pasting it into a word processing document, and turning it in as their own work? Come to this session and find out!  Teachers will leave this session with an expanded vision of how technology can be integrated into the curriculum, and will begin to think “outside the box” as they continue to build integrated technology projects of their own.

Keeping Your Head Above Water In a Sea Of Information
Drowning in a sea of information? Having difficulty keeping up with wave after wave of tools and resources? In this session, Tammy will provide a step-by-step strategy that will help you to stay afloat.

Google and Web 2.0 Sessions:
Can be done as 1/2 day hands-on workshops or as 45 minute to 90 minute breakout sessions.

Tammy’s Favorite Technology Tips, Tricks, and Tools* (K-12)
There are so many new technology gadgets, apps, and websites, that it is nearly impossible to keep up. In this fast-paced session, Tammy will share her favorite newly-discovered tips, tricks, and tools for teachers and students.

Awesome Add-Ons for Google Drive* (K-12)
You’ll be amazed when you see how add-ons can help you gear up your Google Drive! In this session, Tammy will demonstrate (from start to finish!) her favorite free add-ons — and will provide templates that will allow you easily try them out on your own.

Tech Tools for the Flipped Classroom* (3-12)
Want to create lessons to flip or supplement your classroom instruction, but you’re not sure how to get started? In this session, Tammy will provide start-to-finish demos of video and audio recording tools and will show some easy (and free) ways to host and share the recordings. You’ll “flip” over these resources!
Cool Tools for the BYOD Classroom* (3-12)
In this fun, interactive session, you’ll see how to use Google tools (Blogger and Google Drive) and other tools to orchestrate some cool, collaborative activities that work well on any online device. Bring your own device to the session to see first-hand how awesome the BYOD classroom can be!

Evernote – In and Out of the Classroom!* (K-12)
In this session, Tammy will provide an overview of the fabulous, free Evernote tool and then will share features, tips, and tricks,  that will help you to organize your life both in and out of the classroom! You won’t believe all of the things you can do with this one amazing tool!

What’s New & Cool With Google?* (K-12)
Google is constantly adding new features to its search engine and other tools. Many times, the changes slip under the radar and we many not even know about them. In this session, Tammy will share what’s new and cool and will explore ways to take advantage of these updates in the classroom.

Google Activities  for Students!* (K-12)
Google offers a variety of free tools that allow students to create, collaborate, and share. In this session, you’ll see some clever activities for students – ideas that are not only quick and easy, but also require creativity and higher-level thinking. Activities will be demonstrated from start to finish, using Google Drive.

Go Paperless! – Creating and Collecting Digital Work* (3-12)
Gone are the days when a student completes a paper worksheet and then turns it in in the wire box on the teacher’s desk. In today’s world, students are creating digital projects using a variety of tools on computers and mobile devices. In this session, Tammy will demonstrate her favorite apps and tools for students, and then will share a simple solution  that will allow the teacher to collect and organize the students’ creations.

Oh The Things You Can Do with Google Spreadsheets & Forms! (K-12)
You won’t believe all the cool things you can do with Google Forms and Spreadsheets: shared lesson plans, online voting, quiz competitions, electronic self-checking tests, Twitter mockup, game-creation, and more! In this fun and interactive session, Tammy will demonstrate her favorite implementations from start to finish.

Advanced Google Spreadsheets – Beyond the Basics* (K-12)
You already know how cool Google Spreadsheets and Forms are. In this session, you’ll discover some tips and tricks to make them more powerful:  Using formulas, functions, and formatting; Creating our own custom charts and graphs; Applying awesome add-ons; Creating cool templates; and more! 

Blogging Basics & Beyond (K-12)
In this interactive session, you will learn how easy it is to use Google’s Blogger tool to create a blog for your classroom (both for teachers and for students). After setting up the basic blog, we will discuss the types of blogs you might want to create; you’ll learn a variety of ways to post to the blog; and you’ll discover how to make your blog interactive through the use of embed code and widgets!

Cool Web Tools for Interactive Whiteboards* (K-6)
In this session, you’ll discover some fantastic (and free!) web resources that can enhance your teaching and engage your young learners. These tools can aid in classroom management, whole-group instruction, and small-group interactive activities. Even if you don’t have an interactive whiteboard, you’ll find that these tools can transform your classroom!

Go Digital! (K-12)
Blogging, podcasting, digital forms, shared calendars… it sounds overwhelming, doesn’t it? In this session, Tammy will show you how easy it is to go digital in your classroom. Using some fabulous free web tools, you will be able to share student successes, communicate with parents, gather feedback, organize events and more — all in just a few minutes per week!

iPad and 1:1 Device Trainings
Can be done as 1/2 day hands-on workshops or as 45 minute to 90 minute breakout sessions.

iHave an iPad – How Do iUse It in the Classroom?* (K-12)
iPads are transforming classrooms! In this session, Tammy will demonstrate her favorite apps and will provide strategies for using the iPad as a teaching and learning tool. Whether you have one iPad or a classroom set, this session is for you!

Create Your Own 1:1 Session* (K-12)
Tammy can design a customized training that will show teachers practical and easy-to-implement ideas for 1:1  computers or mobile devices that utilize the tools and resources available in your district.

Student Activities Sessions
Can be done as 1/2 day hands-on workshops or as 45 minute to 90 minute breakout sessions.

Google Activities  for Students!* (K-12)
Google offers a variety of free tools that allow students to create, collaborate, and share. In this session, you’ll see some clever activities for students – ideas that are not only quick and easy, but also require creativity and higher-level thinking. Activities will be demonstrated from start to finish, using Google Drive.

Coding in the Elementary Classroom* (K-6)
Want your students to learn skills in an authentic context? To become logical thinkers? To practice perseverance? To be more creative? In this session, Tammy will share some amazingly simple (and free!) tools that will introduce students to the world of computer programming/coding and open their minds to new ways of thinking.

 Rev Up Your Reading & Writing Classrooms with Technology  (3-6)
Want some clever ideas for using computers in your reading and writing classrooms? This session will feature dozens of quick and easy tools and activities that you can use immediately!  We will explore a series of innovative activities through which you will learn how to use the Internet and other electronic tools to support literacy, word processing, and the publishing of students’ work.

Math + Technology = Learning  (3-6)
In this session, you will learn how to utilize technology in clever ways for teaching and learning mathematics. See how math lessons and learning can be enlivened, enhanced, and updated through the integration of online resources and mobile apps. Explore some fascinating ideas and resources that will inspire both teachers and students. You’re guaranteed to go away with many ideas you can implement tomorrow with your students!

Cool Computer Activities for Science and Social Studies (3-6)
Are you looking for new and creative ways to use the computer in your science or social studies classroom? This session is packed full of clever ideas for quick and easy-to-create projects that are aligned with national standards. You’ll be amazed at how these simple activities will excite your students while taking their learning and thinking to a new level.

Awesome Activities for Little Folks (K-2)
Want to learn how to best utilize computers and mobile devices for K-2 students? Then this is the workshop for you! Participants will: explore some of the fantastic resources and apps available for K-2 teachers and students; gain some valuable technology tips and strategies for teaching little folks; and discover a variety of age-appropriate student activities that integrate technology.


* New or newly updated sessions

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