Tammy’s Bio

Tammy Worcester Tang
Distinguished Educator, Author, and Presenter

ttpictinyTammy Worcester Tang has over twenty-five years of educational experience. She began her career in the classroom, teaching nearly every grade from kindergarten through middle school. Tammy recently retired from ESSDACK, an educational service center in Kansas, as an Instructional Technology Specialist. However, she continues to work independently to provide staff development and training in the area of technology integration.

Tammy is extremely innovative and resourceful and specializes in finding unique and creative ways to use traditional computer tools in the classroom. She enjoys sharing her ideas with teachers throughout the nation, at conferences and in schools, and has a presentation style that can be described as inspiring.

TWPicNewHer website, “Tammy’s Technology Tips for Teachers” (www.tammyworcester.com or www.tammytang.com) is a popular online resource for teachers around the world. Tammy is also the author of nearly a dozen best-selling technology resource books that are published and marketed nationally.

Tammy’s experiences as a parent, a teacher, a technology director, and a training specialist have allowed her to develop a strong sense of best educational practices. Those skills, coupled with her technology expertise, enable her to create and provide practical, easy-to-implement ideas that will help teachers make better classrooms — one mouse click at a time.

Got math?
Then check out Tammy’s husband, Greg Tang! A famed author and speaker, Greg’s goal is to develop a more intuitive approach to teaching math, one that combines problem-solving and arithmetic and integrates math with language and art. Greg has written a series of best-selling children’s books starting wih “The Grapes of Math,” and has developed several award-winning math games and apps including Kakooma.
To see more about Greg, visit his website:  http://gregtangmath.com