About Me


Just in case you were wondering…

  • I grew up in a tiny town of around 200 people (Bogue, Kansas).
  • In my last year of high school at Bogue, only 7 boys went out for the 8-man football squad, so one of my girlfriends and I played on the team.
  • Because of the above fact, I was on Paul Harvey’s News and Comments!
  • I was also cheerleader and homecoming queen that same year!
  • I have taught nearly every grade from kindergarten through middle school.
  • I first created and published “Tammy’s Technology Tips for Teachers” in 1995.
  • I can say the fifty states in ABC order in less than 30 seconds.
  • I play the piano.
  • I love hot tea, but have never tasted coffee.
  • I have three sons who live in Kansas and Colorado.
  • Two of my boys are married to teachers.
  • One of my daughters-in-law has 3 children, so am an instant grandma. Fun!
  • I’m married to children’s book author, Greg Tang.
  • I have 3 great step-children.
  • Even though I work for an educational service center in Kansas, I live in Boston.
  • I LOVE sharing my ideas and resources with teachers!


  1. Tammy,
    I always love your sessions. I’ve seen you at TCEA and i3. I’m confident that you can help me figure this out: I am looking for a spreadsheet formula that returns emailsl to teachers after a walk-through form has been submitted. I found it, tried it, got all excited, and now can’t seem to find it back. Please help when you have time! Thank you in advance.

  2. Lisa Kaple says:

    Hi Tammy,
    I saw your presentation at the OCTELA Conference in Columbus, Ohio in March, and enjoyed it very much. I wasn’t able to write down everything fast enough and missed some of the valuable information you presented. I would appreciate it if you would send me the information for the site that will automatically organize documentation information in MLA or APA, etc., format.

    Thank you in advance,
    Lisa Kaple

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